Editorial Guidelines for Posts
Before submitting a piece of work to the website, please check these guidelines to ensure that all news posts are consistent.
1. WHEN referring to terms such as Check Employment Status for Tax, refer to the term in full on first use (e.g. Check Employment Status for Tax) and then include the short term or abbreviation in brackets (e.g. CEST). When referring to the term later in the article, it is acceptable to use the abbreviated term. If relevant, also hyperlink the abbreviated text in brackets to ensure that a link to the relevant page is available. When referring to HMRC, there is no need to refer to the full term, or provide a link.
2. WHEN referring to such terms as CEST throughout an article, there is no need to continue creating hyperlinks. Assuming you have followed the previous guideline, a link should be available once the term has first been mentioned.
3. KEEP a consistent font size throughout the articles.
4. QUOTATIONS longer than a sentence should be set off from the main text. e.g.
‘Quotations longer than a sentence should be set off from the main text‘.
Quotations of several words ‘such as this’ may be embedded within the text.
5. WHEN writing numbers within a text, numbers up to and including ten must be spelled out, e.g. five, six, seven. Numbers exceeding this amount may be either spelled out or shown as figures. However, this should be consistent throughout your writing. Should you choose to use figures, ensure that commas are used within these figures e.g. 20,000 instead of 20000. (When referencing currency, years or statistics, numbers should be written as figures, e.g. £30,000, 2020, 17%).
6. ENSURE all spelling and grammar is correct before publishing. This extends to spacing after punctuation – ensure there is one space, rather than two.
7. WHEN including a link to further reading at the end of an article, ensure that it is set off from the main text. e.g.
This article/page/link has more details.
8. AVOID using exclamation points within text unless they are part of a direct quote being referenced.